Many of the insurance companies in the Mobile and Baldwin County areas only offer one kind of policy. They either offer a full fire policy, or a fire and wind policy… but Heritage Insurance of Alabama offers WIND ONLY insurance so that if you only have a policy that insures against fire, you can complete that policy with ours!
Wind Only Insurance in Mobile
Alternatively, Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association (AIUA) also offers wind only insurance. Ask your insurance agent what company your wind insurance policy comes from, since the majority of them come from AIUA. Heritage Insurance offers wind insurance policies from Lloyd’s of London. Make sure that you get a quote from us so that you can compare prices between us and AIUA. You’ll find that our prices are cheaper and more affordable than AIUA.
We Provide WIND ONLY Insurance in Mobile Alabama
This video shows tips for protecting your house against wind damage and describes how wind insurance is different than other insurance; such as car insurance.