Strengthen Alabama Homes
The Strengthen Alabama Homes program gives grant money for people to shingle roofs. If you live in the state of Alabama and you need a new roof, you could apply and be granted up to $10,000. We’ve had several customers call and ask about how this will affect their insurance.
After the Strengthen Alabama Homes grant has been approved, you will have a list of roofers to choose from to shingle your roof. Summer is perhaps the busiest time for roofers as most construction happens in the summer. It may take several months for the roofers to start shingling your roof. Once they have shingled your roof, you will be provided with a fortification certificate, declaring that your home is fortified. Many insurance companies give home insurance discounts for fortification certificates. There are about 3 types of fortification discounts; bronze, silver, and gold.
How much money will a fortified certificate save on home insurance? That answer is different for every home. In fact, just the act of putting new shingles on your roof gives a bigger discount than a certificate. New homes that are built with a fortified certificate get great rates. Old homes that are given a fortified certificate might not get the same rate for homeowners insurance.
Having that said, we’ve had customers who apply and are approved for the Strengthen Alabama Homes Grant whose shingles are merely 8 years old! You can apply at the Strengthen Alabama Homes website or learn more at the Alabama Department of Insurance website.