Alabama Church Insurance
The best place to get your Alabama church insurance is right here. We insure churches and synagogues in Alabama through specialized Alabama church insurance writers. We provide property, liability, and auto insurance. For a quote, download the form below. Answer as many questions as you can. Email completed forms and/or questions to HeritageAlabama@gmail.com.
[box type=”bio”]Church Insurance Quote Application[/box]
Built 1900 or After | ✓ |
Built Before 1900 | Ask us! |
Tile Roofs | Ask us! |
Swimming Pools | ✘ |
Tenant Churches | ✓ |
No Prior Coverage | ✘ |
Protection Class 1-8 | ✓ |
Protection Class 9-10 | Ask us! |
Preschool & Daycare | ✓ |
Schools K-9 | ✓ |
Schools 10-12 | Ask us! |
College / Seminary | Ask us! |
Church Camps | Ask us! |
Buses | ✓ |
Private Passenger | ✓ |
Vans | ✓ |
Why get Alabama Church Insurance?
You may think your church does not protection. Unfortunately, many things could potentially happen to your property or the people in the church. Property insurance insures your sanctuary, buildings, and belongings. Liability coverage is there to protect the church or synagogue in law suits. Church bus insurance protects your church car, van, or bus.
Alabama Church Property Insurance
Think about your location. In Alabama, most buildings are subject to wind and hurricane damage. Your church is no different. If your Alabama church insurance policy does not provide wind insurance, you will need a separate wind policy. If it is in Mobile, Baldwin County, or another coastal area, you may need flood insurance. But it’s not just your building that’s subject to damage. Think of the contents in your church. Your church may have expensive sound equipment, computers, furniture, etc. They should be protected from theft or damage with Alabama church property insurance.
Alabama Church Liability
There are two kinds of church liability; general liability and excess liability. Both kinds protect the church in case of law suits.
General church liability provides most of the liability protection you need. It includes things like ministers counseling insurance, sexual misconduct insurance, personal injury (slandering or defaming a person), hired and non-hired auto insurance, and other special coverage. The two most common lawsuits are about personal injury and ministers counseling. If a person gets hurt at your church, personal injury would protect you in a law suit. If your church serves coffee “too hot” and it injures someone, unfortunately in America, that’s a potential law suit. If your pastor gives counseling that has negative consequences, that’s covered under ministers counseling.
Excess church liability provides workers compensation. Most churches will have a pastor, secretary, piano player, etc. These are all considered employees. What is an employee? Anyone who provides services, has a contract, or is employed by you. If you hire a roofer to put new shingles on your churches roof, they have then become your employee. Any employee can be injured and sue. If an employee sues you, then you are unprotected unless you have workers compensation.
Alabama Church Bus Insurance
Whether your church owns a car, van, or bus, we’ve got you covered. Things you should consider when buying Alabama church bus insurance is the coverage amount for liability, medical, collision, and comprehensive insurance.
Thanks for considering Heritage for providing your Alabama church insurance. Feel free to contact us at 251-945-6666!